

Every individual has different skin types and hence skincare product recommendations from even your family members and friends should be included in your skin routine with care. As the individual recommending that skin product might be having a different skin type, not matching to yours and that can be quite a trouble so be aware!

· Oily skin: If you have got oily skin, then you must have problems with acne and your skin is then sensitive to very highly moisturizing natural or organic skincare products. Oily skin when you produce an excess amount of sebum which causes that shiny, oily appearance. It’s also one of the leading causes of your regular breakouts.

· Dry skin: Dry skin is low in water content and hence requires regular and continuous moisturizing. Dry skin is when your face frequently feels tight and dehydrated. You’re more prone to flakiness and fine lines.

· Combination Skin: A combination skin is the one in which the individual experiences oily skin in the T zone and normal skin type in the cheeks and the other areas of the face.

· Normal Skin: Normal skin is an ideal skin type with no many skin problems with small pores opening.

Hence before using any skincare product, the subsequent 5 things have to be considered:

1. Know the product: The primary and the foremost thing is to know the product, that is by trying out samples of those products which you plan to use. Skin patch testing is a good way to know your product. Just apply the sample product to some part of your face and see its effects.

2. Know its formula: If the sample product testing is not possible then look out for the formula (i.e., the chemical formula or the ingredient combination of the product) to know what it contains and you might find a thing which you are sensitive to so that you know it’s an alert! and can avoid using it.

3. See the reviews: In case you cannot get your hands on patch testing the best alternative is to look out for reviews, where people with a similar skin type will be using the product and will share the product review. Though reviews provide quite holistic and comprehensive views the product reaction doesn’t need to be the same on your face.

4. Find out, does it suits your skin type: It is quite obvious to check whether this natural or organic skin product is suitable for your skin type or not, though a lot of people make a horrendous mistake of not checking the most important thing. Usually, the skin type is mentioned on the top label of the package but sometimes it might be hidden, and if is not present then don’t buy the product.

5. Know the time product takes to show results: A lot of people get disappointed with the product as they don’t see the results as soon as they expected. But do remember that the product show results, not as per your expectations but on the certified time mentioned with the product. Always know it before using the product to avoid disappointments and misinformation.

A wide diversity of people think that organic and natural products are always safe to use as they are made of organic substances. But this is an often popular myth, which needs to be debunked. The first thing is that all of these products, be it natural skincare cream or organic skincare cream, do not really contain what they claim, and second of all, even not all the natural or organic things would suit your skin type. So don’t fall within the trap.

People with the oily skin type often find themselves swinging between the 2 ends of the spectrum, but that’s not where their issues end. Greasy skin makes it harder to use makeup (and even harder to stay it on), and there’s a near-constant threat of breakouts and inflammation on the oily areas. “People with oily skin are more liable to breakouts. Often in these cases, the oil glands are bigger or produce more oil, which tends to form the skin more liable to clogged pores, and so, acne”.

While using the right ingredients (think 2-hydroxybenzoic acid, sulfur, and retinol) is important, skipping those which will exacerbate drilling is vital too. “You should be searching for products that are as light as possible, and hydrate the skin instead of moisturizing it. You would like to appear for cleansing ingredients that help maintain a pH and bacteria balance, but skip over-drying ingredients at the identical time”. Ahead, the skin expert lists out all the products and ingredients you wish to remain off from if you have got oily skin.

Below are the six makeup and skincare ingredients you are expected to skip for oily skin:

· Avoid Occlusive: Suggestion is forgoing thick moisturizers and creams, and instead choosing a gel-based moisturizer that can hydrate your skin without piling on the grease. Moisturizers that are specifically made for drier or dehydrated skin types might contain occlusive ingredients like mineral oils, paraffin, lanolin, or petroleum, which subsist clog pores. Occlusive creates a thick barrier on the skin to stop moisture loss through evaporation, but they will feel too heavy or sticky on oily skin.

· Avoid Alcohol Based products: There are many sorts of alcohols employed in skincare—some that hydrate the skin, others that cleanse it. And if you have got oily skin, you will be tempted to select products with alcohol for the tingling, squeaky clean feeling they leave behind. But this may not always be a decent idea. for example, strong alcohol-based toners will only get eliminate the oil superficially, and might even strip your skin of its natural moisture. “Toners tend to create skin oilier because the product tries to catch up on the sebum that’s lost during cleansing. Instead, use natural toners like outpouring water that may degrease without causing dryness. burn plant and natural rose toners help calm the skin rather than drying it”.

Some primers, sunscreens, and setting mists may contain alcohol yet, the ingredient helps to preserve the formulas while also being light on the skin. But if your skin is especially vulnerable to rebound oiliness, skipping these might do one good.

Thus, do keep these things in mind before trying a new skincare product.


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